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 1. Brian Carpenter  Macy's Shoe Poems  Chapter and Verse Reading Series, Chapterhouse, Philadelphia, September 13, 2008 
 2. The Age Grouper Triathlon and Multisport Podcast  Long-Sleve-Shirt-Sock-Sock-Shoe-Shoe-Galsses-Helmet-Go.mp3  The Age Grouper Triathlon and Multisport Podcast 
 3. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 07b: Editor's Notes to Poems 52-58)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 4. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 02b: Editor's Notes to Poems 05-14)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 5. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 04b: Editor's Notes to Poems 25-34)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 6. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 08b: Editor's Notes to Poems 59-74)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 7. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 06b: Editor's Notes to Poems 40-51)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 8. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 05b: Editor's Notes to Poems 35-39)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 9. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 03b: Editor's Notes to Poems 15-24)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 10. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 01b: Editor's Notes to Poems 01-04)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 11. Gerardy Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 06: Poems 40-51)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 12. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 07: Poems 52 - 58)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 13. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 08: Poems 59 - 74)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 14. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 03: Poems 15 - 24)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 15. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 02: Poems 5-14)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 16. Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges (Editor)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Part 04: Poems 25 - 34)  Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 
 17. Green Day  Macy's Day Parade  Warning   
 18. Program #5104  Howard Macy  Freedom Through Gratitude 
 19. Soul Clap  Fashion @ Macy's Part 1  Live at Macys 
 20. Soul Clap  Fashion @ Macy's Part 2  Live at Macys 
 21. Mega rock n Roll  Macy Skipper / Bop Pills  Méga Rock 'N' Roll 
 22. Green Day  Macy's Day Parade (live)  The Master Plan 
 23. Green Day  Macy's Day Parade (live)  Live Without Warning   
 24. Green Day  Macy's Day Parade (live)  The Master Plan   
 25. Harry Gregson-Williams  Coming Back to You - Macy Gray  Déjà Vu 
 26. Heather Alexander  Horsdanz - Macy's Jig - Heather's Hound  Midsummer 
 27. Wu-Tang Clan  Don't Go Breaking My Heart ODB feat. Macy Gray  Mathematics Presents Wu-Tang Returns 
 28. Ol' Dirty Bastard  Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Feat Macy Gray)    
 29. Fatboy Slim  Fatboy Slim Feat. Macy Gray / Demons  Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars 
 30. Fatboy Slim  Fatboy Slim Feat. Macy Gray / Demons  Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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